Second City

Country Dance Assoc. (SCCDA)

Country/Western Dancing and Lessons for Chicagoland’s LGBTQ+ Community

When & Where

Country/western dancing for Chicagoland's LGBTQ+ community, our friends, and family.

Check our line dance library to review any dance lessons you might have missed. You can also roll over the images to the right to learn more about the different kinds of dancing we teach and enjoy at Second City Country Dance Association.

Line Dance
SCCDA offers line dance lessons for both beginners and for more experienced dancers. Our line dance library is a fanstastic resource for new dancers trying to get up to speed. Line dances make up about half of the dances we do during our dance nights.
At SCCDA's dance nights, you'll find about half of the night involves partner dancing, a majority of which is the country two-step. Quick, quick it will get into your booty and slow, slow you'll find it in your heart, too! Two-step is by far the most common form of country/western social dance. Learn to two-step from our amazing instructors during one of our lessons.
Other Social Dances
Beyond line dancing and two-step, SCCDA dances include both west- and east-coast swing, country waltz, shadow, nightclub two-step, progressive two-step, and even the occasional shuffle! Every country/western dance enthusisast can find something to love here!
We miss you Charlie's -
see you soon!

Second City Country Dance Assoc. (SCCDA)

Country/Western Dancing for Chicagoland’s LGBTQ+ Community

Second City Country Dance Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
© 2025